Stud Bolt

About this product

The Stud Bolt (#92132B0840), an essential component in the Engine-Fuel/Fuel Injection System and Engine-Fuel/Cylinder Block, plays a primary role in securing and sealing these systems. It is designed for strength and durability, enabling other parts to function optimally. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Stud Bolt (#92132B0840) promotes compatibility with your vehicle. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the Stud Bolt (#92132B0840) ensures reliable performance. However, as with other auto parts, the Stud Bolt (#92132B0840) may require replacement over time. An old or broken Stud Bolt (#92132B0840) can lead to leaks or loosening of components, compromising the vehicle's performance and safety. By keeping the engine systems secure and sealed, the Stud Bolt (#92132B0840) enhances the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, contributing to a smoother and safer driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 92132-B0840